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segunda-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2013

For Nvidia, PC gaming is "far superior" to the PS4 and Xbox One Platform

Fabricante de placas de vídeo acredita na superioridade do PC frente aos consoles

Talking about the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Matt Wright , sales manager for consumer Nvidia , consoles sought to rekindle the rivalry between the PC and consoles as the best gaming platform . " The PC platform is far superior to any console when it comes to games , and you have the extra functionality that a computer brings ," said the MVC website .

Nvidia has expanded its market to manufacture small -sized PCs and want to make it clear to consumers that new products from Microsoft and Sony are not the only options for gaming enthusiasts . The company also wants to end the idea that the PC market is too complex to new consumers .

" We want to make the possibility of playing for the simplest possible PC , and we believe it is more relevant and and accessible for the casual market ," he said . " The Steam has more users than Xbox Live . There is a new generation that grew up playing titles like ' Minecraft' and ' World of Tanks' on PC . We have a huge community that loves to play on PC . "

PC to uninitiated

Nvidia is not the only investing in affordable hardware for PC gamers. The first prototypes of the Steam Machine, produced by Valve, are forecast to reach the public in 2014, in the testing phase.

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