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quinta-feira, 17 de julho de 2014

Welcome back, Los Santos: 9 things that GTA 5 will be the new generation

Some works are born face turned to perfection and therefore can hardly be improved. Actually, this is not it: maybe they do not need to be improved and longer satisfy our longings demanding just the way they are. GTA 5 is one of those works: it is a timeless game that has carved his name in history - and only helped to enshrine further Rockstar, now idolized by players.
The title, released late last year, is the famous "needs no comment." The open world designed by the franchise since its inception reached the apex in a giant map, a zillion things to do and a bold trio of protagonists who made ​​many biting his tongue. I even did not believe that this dynamic could work. But it did, and take a look around in our analysis is a game score 100.
But the new generation knocking at the door and arrived in our lives shortly after GTA 5. Realize that, at first, no one had considered a possible version of the game to new platforms. Because, face it, Rockstar is not doing that. See the trilogy before last generation (GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas), who never received a HD version. There are even better graphics on PC, yes, but there is not an official pack of Rockstar with three games in HD - and players begged for it, but nothing happened.

However, this business of porting titles for the next generation avenged, and developers started pulling their strings to deliver the experience - unforgettable already - in scenarios with more textures, animations with rich details and technical improvements (resolution and frame rate per second). This time, Rockstar has set aside its traditionalism and also joined the wave by announcing the pre-conference of Sony's E3 2014 that GTA 5 is heading for PS4, Xbox and PC One.
If the game already has a vast, beautiful, and charismatic live on PS3 and Xbox 360 world, the questions revolve orbit in our heads now are: "Imagine all the new generation? What can be improved? Will we have new?. "Believe me, everything was already good will get an even better taste. Let's see what Los Santos will bring us in the new generation:


This is obviously the most noticeable change, and perhaps the most relevant, since the graphics are, today, one criterion of paramount requirement in the industry. The video below gives a brief comparison of the graphical differences of each version (PS3 and PS4, in this case).
Note that the scenarios are much more populated and with a much greater number of NPCs. The details are reflected also in other technical aspects: lighting, facial expressions, overall design of the characters and the cars were all improved. The plains and mountainous regions are more accurate with beveling, curvilinear cutouts at each end are absolutely refined.
All this promotes a more panoramic view of Los Santos and Blaine County, which will have more realism, more life, more naturally. And Trevor will love exploring this new nature. The resolution and frame rate per second has not been confirmed by Rockstar, but the vote goes to 1080p running at 30 fps, that'd be great for a world game of this magnitude.

The online mode of GTA 5, which is pretty much a "set aside" was epic. Or rather, it is. The multiplayer little world created by Rockstar is the ultimate experience from which everyone always dreamed of, with a wide selection of vehicles, customization, upgraded arsenal, varied missions, finally, gives to classify the contract as a true MMOG GTA.
Rockstar has confirmed that players will be able to transfer your entire progress of the PS3 or Xbox 360 to the new version. Exactly: everything you've accumulated with your sweat will be there, overhauled and refitted for the new generation intact! The multiplayer, incidentally, should be considerably improved.

Of course it is always risky to say that a game is no bug, as this is a natural process of programming in the development of a security engineering, but Rockstar has said it will refine GTA Online to the fullest.

The versions for PS3 and Xbox 360 already deliver great experiences, yes. However, the multiplayer has brought some problems that were (and are) adjusted with time, especially at launch: connection drops, difficulty of equalizing the amount of players accessing, lags and other glitches. Rockstar will deliver the most optimized version of GTA Online possible on the new generation.

We're still rooting for a single-player DLC for GTA 5, but for now, we delight ourselves in the new generation with all the updates that Rockstar has provided so far, including updates from Online mode, new vehicles, weapons and customizations of characters. All this promises the developer, will be available on "day one" and, of course, without any additional cost.
In addition, there is the promise of many DLCs in the oven, as well as more news in the online component.

The gameplay of GTA 5 is one of the core game. The physical make up a major focus of the title - thank you, Havok technology - and Rockstar will keep this intact pillar in the new generation, with possible openings for the addition of some coisitas by enabling the new generation.

In the version for PS4, for example, may be included a secondary option in the direction of vehicle:. Anything to mess with the gyro built in 4 DualShock Xbox One, in turn, has the Kinect, which is always a great option to enjoy voice commands and other features that can be very handy in GTA Online.
Of course this is still a scenario of possibilities, not certainties, since the gameplay of GTA 5 is perfect by itself without any pompous addition - the salt is already in full measure, but tinkering with an established formula is something Rockstar definitely knows. And her trust.
ONLY THAT? Do not!

The five factors enumerated are certainties, because we should remember, some GTA 5 for the new generation was released here. It is no secret that Rockstar holds more information than a bear hug, and more news is revealed as we get closer to launch.
But the list ends here? Is that GTA 5 can bring to the new generation? We expect more. BJ decided to continue the list and will place, ahead, what is still unclear, but that the bottom of our hearts, we want GTA 5 exists in the new generation:

I say, and I quote I repeat: GTA 5 is already beautiful on the PS3 and Xbox 360 Take a helicopter tour through the city at night and see the beautiful work of dedicated lighting there, very filling, many NPCs, many textures, too everything. . The rural part is also

The characters are believable expressions in meticulous facial capture that Rockstar did, and it may also be better in the new generation (not only the scenarios). The more beautiful these characters are, the more the general composition of the game world comes to life - and this is a virtual life goodbye social life.

The first day that GTA Online was released in October last year, was a real disaster. Crowded servers failed to cope with demand, and this resulted in slowdowns, crashes and other bugs that frustrated the community. I even waited two or three weeks for the storm subside and start playing with proper peace.
We hope that it does not scroll with the new generation of GTA 5, because face it, the hype around the game is starting to take colossal proportions - that he has been released, huh - and Rockstar will have a lot of work to keep the stability of the servers, at least in the beginning. We hope everything goes well.


Well, we all thought that Rockstar would provide the Heist missions. She promised that. We're waiting until now ... Sitting, lying, drawn to the sun. I bet that even those who have reached level 100 in GTA Online only go back to the Heist missions.
What can not happen is the way to have a huge hype about some smartass - Sony or Microsoft - want to negotiate a possible temporary exclusivity. It is worth remembering here that the DLCs for GTA 4 Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony, came to the Xbox 360 a year before the PS3. Refreshed the memory now, is not it? The deal cost $ 50 million to Microsoft. And this time, the announcement that GTA 5 would reach the new generation was done in the Sony conference for E3 2014 ... Many players will be angry if something happens to the Heist missions. We pray that this does not go through the head of Rockstar.


"Fall 2014". These are the words of the video of GTA 5 announcement for the new generation. And the period (autumn 2014 in the U.S., which rolls in the second half) leaves a whole open question: what is the date, anyway? Do not have a specified day gives rise to possible delays.
What worries is that Rockstar has a habit of postponing their titles. GTA 5, for example, was released nearly four months after the original date have been revealed - was to have come out in June 2013 and was eventually released on September 17 of that year.

It never hurts to underline that the developer stated that "has a game to launch before March 2015." What game is this? Nothing prevents this "Fall 2014" eventually turns into "Spring 2015" (Spring in the U.S., the buzz in the first half). I think it will not happen, but I do not doubt.
Grand Theft Auto 5 is currently available for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. 4 PlayStation, Xbox One and PC platforms are the next to receive the title.

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